
Finn Flügel

We had the honor of writing an amazing story about what Elements Water Sports are doing for the young and underprivileged children of El Gouna. To recap, Hussin Ali Eldien takes a group of children every Friday and teaches them everything he knows about kiting, being environmentally aware, and loving the sea.

This time, we bring an equally impressive story, still in line with the theme of ‘youth that kite’, about a fascinating young boy, called Finn Flügel. “What is so fascinating about a 10-year-old boy?” you might ask. Well, he has achievements, a passion and a vision that outdo most of us adults.

Finn: Kid (kiting) Genius

Let’s start off by explaining this with a story.  El Gouna hosted a kiting competition called Yalla Yalla Cup. Competitors had to be Polish men to enter, both of which Finn are none. He’s a German boy. But since there are no youth competitions for him to compete in, he asked if he could join in under this special circumstance. They allowed him to compete, I’m guessing, as a consolation or some sort of viewing alternative. But, as you might have already guessed, Finn went on and beat everybody, winning the competition.

I asked him what it was that made him stand out and turn him into such a high point scorer.  Without pausing he simply said he can jump both ways. Everybody has a preferred stance – either the left foot or the right foot at the back and the other one in front. Most riders can only do jumps when they’re in their most comfortable stance. But because Finn can jump both ways, he had an immediate advantage over the others.

The short but powerful history

But one does not become such a force to be reckoned with overnight. This kid kites every second he possibly can. If neither school, nor weather is standing in his way, you’ll find him out on the water practicing and learning new tricks.

Finn has kiting in his bones and in his blood. He even looks the part. With tanned skin, long blonde locks and a cap back to front, he looks just like the kiters we see in El Gouna. Only he’s a lot younger. Both parents are kiters and also founded their own boardsport products company, F2, in 1979. They formed a passion for boardsports in Finn when he was very very young. In fact, his dad used to give him a wakeboarding rope and run, pulling Finn along behind him to get the feel balancing on a board.

From there he’s become a wakeboarder, snowboarder and kitesurfer – whichever fits his location at that time.

His knowledge and passion go so deep that the locals now call him Dr. Kite. If there are any issues or problems, he is the first to diagnose and is pretty much always right. Whether its strings that are too short, knots that are incorrect or any other issue, he can solve it.

He started building his own board when he was only 6 – much the same age as he started kiting. And much to his embarrassment, he still has his first board decorated with Winnie the Pooh graphics.

More to life? No way

Not only that, he is also an avid tennis player and keen student. Attending the Swiss School, he enjoys Maths and Music – playing the tabla, accordion and recorder. There is no stopping this kid.

I asked Finn what he would like to study when he gows up. Unsurprisingly he has everything mapped out. He wants to develop his own kiteboarding brand including manufacturing kites, boards and accessories. And therefore, maths, graphic design and some business studies are all in order. At which point I asked him, “If you could do anything else not related to kiting or sports, what would it be?”  He hit a blank. No such thing as a life without kiting and sports I guess.

Like any sportsman, Finn has his favorite spots and heroes. Topping his list of kiting heroes is champion Liam Whaley of Tarifa, Spain. And favorite kiting spots go to Elements (El Gouna), Dakhla (Morrocco) and Sylt Island (Germany). Sylt Island this being the closest to his home town of Hof, Bavaria. Sylt lies directly across the German / Danish border and one can just imagine how cold the waters get there. This is why Finn has truly found his home right here in El Gouna. Aside from the kiting, he enjoys what the rest of us enjoy about El Gouna: a relaxed, happy atmosphere, sunshine, beaches and great people.

Elements owners and Finn’s parents, Simone Pullen and Bernd Flügel, have done an outstanding job as parents, visionaries, and lovers of life. They have instilled in Finn a solid foundation as a sportsman and as a person. His approach to life is very mature and his future very bright.

As mentioned, competitions for pre-teens are limited and although being the youngest person in Germany to get a kiting license, Finn finds competitions difficult to find. But there’s hope on the horizon: with 3 major world trophy events coming up in 2020, all incorporating youth divisions, he is sure to turn some heads. These G.K.A (Global Kitesports Association) championships will be held in April (France), August (Egypt) and Septemeber (Spain).

The wider vision

What is the angle on this article though? It’s more than just praising a kid with talent and giving him exposure. Its about the wider group of children and youth in El Gouna. Many children will never have the opportunity to learn to kite or do any watersports. Even swim. What’s worse is that some aren’t really even aware that there is a sea here. It’s school, homework and football. They never venture to the beach.

This concept is mind-blowing for kiting Europeans who travel many, many miles at high costs just to ride the perfect conditions that El Gouna offers while the youth of El Gouna have it on their door step. But they need a push, somebody to lead the way for them.

Finn is now that role model. At just 10 years old, riding to a professional standard, he wants to tell the kids: El Gouna’s waters are shallow, the sea is calm, it’s safe! Come and kite – we’ll show you how!



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